About Graciela Blancarte
“Mexican-born and Canadian-based artist Graciela Blancarte pours the life of both her cultures into her work. Graciela finds the inspiration for her love of art from her upbringing in Durango, Mexico: a town rich in history, music, and art.
Painting is a way for Graciela to connect two worlds. Prior to her art practice, she felt a palpable fracture between the two cultures. This created the sense that something was missing. Painting has allowed Graciela to ground that sensation, bringing the impression of Durango to Canada.
Graciela uses nostalgic colours to create bright and vivid pieces which highlight passion and convey emotions. Her painting begins with music, which evokes the connections that allow her to create.”
V. Moore
“Graciela Blancarte nació en Durango, Dgo. México en el seno de una familia de artistas. De formación autodidacta, Graciela eligió en 2009 el abstraccionismo para expresarse; sus cuadros evocan nostalgia, frustración, alegría, tristeza, en un sentido liberan a la autora y nos liberan a nosotros como espectadores. Los colores y la luz que emplea en sus obras son, quizá una reminiscencia de su Durango, en donde el cielo es más azul que en ninguna otra parte del mundo.”
C. Sharp
“La obra de Graciela refleja el diario acontecer en los países de su alma, comprometida con la belleza y despertando en el espectador el anhelo de la luz, porque eso es el color: luz con diferentes frecuencias vibratorias que abren las puertas de las más hondas estancias del alma”
Elizabeth Linden Bracho
– “Celebration” Solo Exhibition-Open Studio. Club Olympia de Durango AC, August 6th. Durango, Mexico. “A different kind of love”, “Breathe”, “Change the world”,”Just like a woman”, “Let her fly”, “Love her madly”, “My wish”,”When you walk in a dream”.
– “Matesis de Amor” Colectivo Blancarte. Asociación de Ingenieros de minas metalurgistas y geólogos de México, A.C. Durango, México. “Te vi pasar”, “Wild Heart”, “Morning Glory”, “Inner Beauty”
– “The Glow of Colour” Solo Exhibition. ARTSCO’s Artscape program. Dr. T. Grover
– Downtown Gallery. Parlour Ice Cream. Kelowna, Canada. “Wild Heart”.
– Appetite for Art Fundraiser. Kelowna Art Gallery. “Summer in the City”.
– Art Off the Rails. Lake Country Public Art Gallery.”El tren de mi Abuelo”.
– Art of the Feminine. Worldbeat Art Gallery, Kelowna.
– Art: Illuminating Art. Lake Country Art Gallery. “Camino a la Vida”

Art Shows
2022 – 29th Annual Lake Country ARTWALK “Life in full bloom” Sep 10-11
2018 – 25th Annual Lake Country ARTWALK “Art of our times”. Sep 8-9
– Arts on the Avenue. Downtown Kelowna. July 26.
– The artisan show. Ellis Art Studios. Kelowna. Sep 29.
– Craft Culture Holiday Market. Prospera Place. Kelowna. Dec 8-9.
2017 – 24th Annual Lake Country ARTWALK “Colour Me Canada”. Sep 9-10
– Arts on the Avenue. Downtown Kelowna. July 27.
2016 – 23rd Annual Lake Country ARTWALK “Art Off the Rails”. Sep 10-11
– Arts on the Avenue. Downtown Kelowna. Jul 28
– “Saving the Rain” Fundraiser. Kelowna Art Gallery. Feb 26
2015 – Arts for Humanity. Holiday Art Show and Fundraiser. Nov 28
– 22nd Annual Lake Country ARTWALK “Light: Illuminating Art” Sep 12-13
– Arts on the Avenue. Downtown Kelowna. Jul 30.